We are thankful that he had come thus far and take joy in every challenges unfold and over came and still over coming as more challenges unfolding as he grows up further and learn more complex skill about living.
Over the years...
His first year
His 2nd year
His 3rd year was spent with his in-law family, po po, gong, aunts and cousins as we attended his 5th aunt wedding. I recalled that a cake was bought on the night of his birthday by his "Da Yi" but he did not enjoy and went into tantrum as the environment was noisy with the celebratory mood and we were some what puzzle not knowing the under lying cause back then.
Today he has little or no melt down with better control and self regulation, kudos to SPED Team for the right support and teaching.
Celebrating his 4th year of living, concrete learner...step by step, slowly but surely..
Trying something different for his 5th years of celebration, at my sister's place. To stretch him on changes he is expected to embrace in life. Not all will be as expected all the time, need to embrace change and learn to take healthy perspective at time.
6 years old, simple cake with love
7 years old, taken with his sister
8 years old, growing up together, candy crush era...
9 years old, from a little star to small hero
This year is our nation SG50 Golden Jubilee celebration and also his 10th Birthday.
We were running out of idea what birthday cake to get him as he is growing up each year into a sensible young boy. Happen to see this in a cake shop and that was it "MInecraft" a computer game that he has been playing the past couple of years, he is good at it not only playing but downloading map from server and playing in multiplex and creative mode which we can never comprehend
A simple birthday celebration with love, just among close family members is what matters, though he will crave for friends too these days to seek more social out of his own perspective.
He is literally happy with simple things and never fail to cheer us up with his smile in return.
My mum also took this opportunity to present to each of her grandchildren a SG50 commemorative notes wishing all A Happy and Healthy Life towards SG100. A memorable celebration indeed!
In the Chinese calendar, he was in fact born one day after celebrating mid autumn Festival, Hence in this midst of festive occasion, here is a wish to him "A Happy 10th Birthday and many more blissful 10 years of celebration to come."
Winner's Statement:
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