July finished strongly with a successful charity fund raising AVSW at Enable Village for a good cause. The family attended the event, met some teachers and friends we have cross pathed, it was an enjoyable morning engagement before we left to nearby IKEA for our family lunch.
He has been inspired by Junior chef program on TV that sometimes he will suddenly ask to be volunterr for help and be his grandma assistant to learn a skill or two. We are so ever ready to give green light with proper supervision.
The Pokemon Go game craze also got us excited as it will be another avenue to encourage family activities. I am feel with mix feeling as fortunately/unfortunately both of my kids are not so keen after learning how to play. Still we appreciate some simple blissful moment at the start.
This year our Nation celebrates 51 years of independence, we attended the National Day dinner with my sister family and glad that he enjoyed it too.
In last post, I shared he submitted a reserach from June school holiday entitle "My local Sport Hero", Ironically in August month, his local sport hero had another new achievement with the first Olympic Gold for Singapore, He watched it on TV and witnessed the moment but he asked why there are three 2 after the race, guess this is how special he is, while we are celebrating the one great victory, his focus could be on the 2-2-2 that follow right behind the 1. Nevertheless, he is proud of Schooling, his local sport hero, when I asked him.
He has grown up so much these day, every moment with him is worth while moment to be with. Taken in Time Zone during one of the weekend.
We had revisited Garden By the Bay in one of the weekend in Term 3, he likes the various display in Flower Dome and the Waterfall in the Cloud Forest, it was a good half day outing after lunch.
He requested to watch the Secret life of PET, it was also a moment that we feel relief now he is able to appreciate what he can and wanted to watch in the cinema. Hope with time, he will leverage his sensory challenge on loud environment as his auditory system matures.
During the Sep holiday, we brought him to watch his current favourite show, Barney & Friends. It was his first musical, though he may be a little old and out of place but nevertheless, he enjoyed and the experience that he had that matters for us. We want him to be able to experience like what other NT children enjoy and as long as he feel happy about it, we are alwasy fine with that. Happy for him to have good outcome at the end.
Just over last weekend, we had organized his first birthday celebration with friends, it was a long wait after 11 years but a worth while wait that we finally materialized this dream for him. We inivuted his classmates, busmates and friends that we had cross pathed during our early years in this learning jouney.
Friendship is important especially when he starts to seek social with some awareness how much it means to him to have friends that can have common interest, to help when need arises and support each others in their learning journey. He was excited and wanted his friend to stay longer but we are glad that he relented to follow adult schedule when it is time to leave. I am sure he will be longing and look forward to next opportunity to celebrate with friends.
We emptied out our master bed room, converted them into cosy corner and rename "VIP lounge", a space where all of them can come together, have play time and interaction to practise their social skill. We were happy to capture some light moment of their natural unnaturalness or unnatural natureness. It was a simple arrangement and glad this simplicity can bring happiness onto the faces of every kids that went in to engage with play and seek social. While the children were at play, we were glad that the parents too, have a great time getting to know each others and exchanging inspiration and success stories from each unique challenges unfold during the child's learning.
Aside from friends, we were happy to have his cousins from both my sister and his aunt from mommy side in attendance. Just before dinner that night, his cousin caught a Pikachu right at our place, indeed a day filled with joy, gratitude and surprise too, he is so blessed ! Appreciate all the parents for making time and allowing their child join us in the celebration, without which it will not have been possible for a good outcome. It takes a village and sometimes many villages in our strive towards inclusion . Kudos to all the super parents once again :)
We are all bounded by Love, starting
is the hardest....but once you start it is hard to stop...the feeling is
different once you get the flow coming. We have to keep learning alomg with him and have an open mind to try and encourage him to explore what he CAN.
Look forward to coming Purple Parade in early Nov.