About Me

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Proud Father Of 2 Kids, started this blog to extend my sharing to benefit more people for positive and fulfilling life, thanks to an advise from a teacher in Special School. Encouragement looks at what we can be and believes in the best for each of us. It is also love in action, allowing one to take time to meditate on small miracles of life, to build confidence in ourselves and build that confidence in others as well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September Birthday Weekend Bliss & Celebration

September has always been a month of celebration, on top of honouring his teachers, but also to remember the day he was born and it will have been his 8th years since this beautifiul seed starts growingl.

We began our weekend celebration with a family Cycling Event, kudos to his mommy's company who organized this employees cum family activities in the spirit of Team "Staying on track together".. The whole family took part and had a great fun exercising this engagement & join attention on Saturday morning.

We celebrated his birthday in advance on Sunday with our family of 10 and lots of Love and got him to write his own story to recall & share:-

So thankful to my sister and her beautiful family that make this birthday celebration possible & a memorable one.

We wish him many years of happy returns with good health, great fun learning and growing up with lots of LOVE.

This year had been special for him whereby both his birthday on Roman & Lunar calendar follow one day  after another(19 Sep '13 which is also the mid Autumn festival). It was a meaningful surprise and a strong finish to this year celebration when he received well wishes penned by friends and teachers from his school. Kudos to his form teacher, special educators and classmates, all of us are great partners by design. By seeking every opportunities to promote social, functional communication and right perception thinking through small little routines, gestures & events that matters, all of US can be blessed with more abundance Love, Hope & Faith in this journey less travel.

Look forward to a strong finish for the Term in our partnership for continuous improved collaborative and co-operative habits.

Winner's Statement:-

Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Teacher' s Day

Education is one of the most precious blessing of life. This journey of thousand miles begin with a single step,  deep inside us, we are so very appreciative and proud for Fabian to have amazing teachers that make a difference. Today is Teacher's Day, I will like to take this opportunity to remember and honour their contribution when we first crossed path in this special learning journey with him.
Thank you all for believing in him, for the encouragement and support to him, always explore to instill a love for learning, lighting up the way for his path forward.

Wishing all of you A very Happy Teacher's Day & Great Holidays ahead!

Winner's Statement::-
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a good teacher.Temple Grandin