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Proud Father Of 2 Kids, started this blog to extend my sharing to benefit more people for positive and fulfilling life, thanks to an advise from a teacher in Special School. Encouragement looks at what we can be and believes in the best for each of us. It is also love in action, allowing one to take time to meditate on small miracles of life, to build confidence in ourselves and build that confidence in others as well.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

World Autism Awareness Week 2013

To continue from the last blog post, the celebration of WAAD began with the light it up Blue campaign on 2 April, our family do our honor from home to show our support for our little STAR.
In Singapore we have this tradition of celebration in the form of World Autism Awareness Week. The theme of this year "Living, Learning and Working with Autism" hopes to promote an inclusive society where people with autism are accepted to live, learn and work along side with other members within our community.
Our family attended the road show on 5 April to show our support for this event in raising public awareness for Autism.
There were a sea of blue, though our little STAR was a little overwhelm at first by the noise of celebration but we began from low risk situation of watching from behind glass near the under pass exit, slowly and surely by taking small steps outside, we soon move outside of the performance area to seek opportunity to engage with the community.
I, too had my me time taking photos with the students volunteers, special educators & a therapist I have come to know of during this special walk with Autism.
We were especially delighted to meet 2 of the great teachers who had a been impactful to our little STAR  progress during his early intervention days and also met a special family who we know through the same path. Kudos to all in this moment flow for taking a photo which we can retain forever in our great memories.
My sister has been very supportive of us and was there as well, she is also the reason why I can easily adapt and draw strength to overcome any life long challenges, after having come this far with her in the past 3 decades or so as sibling relationship.  She motivates me in seeing her and family happy and blessed not for how little they have but how much love they have put into their own family and children despite their hearing handicap. They too, have been integrated well into the society with a job that they value and whole heartedly cherish.
The lighting at ION was awesome and cool.
We are certainly hopeful that as the years go by, with more awareness, support and resources progressively equip to each of the family and individual affected by aUtiSm, there will be more good news and cheers to bring into this special community.
I was at the autism seminar the very next day on a beautiful Saturday morning in the special school.  Glad to meet couple of parents I know, and grateful for being there to listen, reflect, re-learn and apply.  The talk by keynote speakers for caregiver were extremely enriching.
The talk by Dr Sylvia Choo on "Caring for a child with Autsim" share more in depth beyond just caring for the child with Autism, it requires individual as parents/care giver to elevate their knowledge in the Autism culture, intruding into the child's world of social disconnect to understand and work/walk with him him and set goals that are pitch to his level of capability & strengths, with small steps of changes in each review of progress make. Parents are reminded that we are our child case manager, best therapist, what we want may not be what the child wants/needs.We know our child best and there are things we can do to make a the difference, to do this, few things we can do:- observe the child, play with the child and grow with him/her.
I also learn about the SPELL framework as a good way to start. Having a structure autism friendly environment, being positive in approach & expectation about the journey outcome despite difficulties it bring, to have empathy, always bare in kind to maximize child learning potential by lowing down his arousal to avoid over stimulating and sensory overload.from environment inputs.  To establish links or support network to inspire, find courage and strength to grow with Autism.  Naturally, in my personal experience, having a child in this spectrum, I am drafted as teacher, therapist and other service provider role modelling who ever we cross path along the learning journey.

The speech on "A Well rounded Approach to Employment for People with Autism gave us a great insight on how to ready our child for job employment in adult hood, what it takes to be successful must start from an early age and starts from home by focusing on their strength, what they CAN, focus on the solutions rather than emphasizing on their problems of what they can't.  It touched on the all importance soft skills of communication, social interaction, independent functions, vocational behavior and leisure skill. Emotional development is another aspect when well manage can maximize the chance of getting and sustaining an employment
Through the past 4 years or so walking with him, he has now become my best teacher.  Look forward to more partnership with him and the SpEd Team in our path forward.

The week long celebration for autism awareness will end with a Project Yellow Feet walk in Bishan part.

There are few video via Youtube that I had shared in my social media, hope they are useful and informative.

Every child is unique and there are no one solution fit all, but merely a collective approaches, which ever that benefit your child, and in parallel by keeping teachers of the school well inform or seek second opinion with the school specialist team.  Most important of all, is to keep your "Never Give Up" spirit alive.

Take this blessing to honour and thank all the people who have contributed to the success of this annual celebration. For me I look forward to celebrate with him every now and then, because aUtiSm has become a way of living day by day.

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