Teachers at child care center were extremely helpful and supportive with their compassion and empathy to whom my family & I are grateful. But as my little STAR grows and becomes more aware, there are learning challenges to be addressed such as his behavior (non compliance or due to his self directed autistic traits) plus the needs to elevate his social functions which has become more demanding than before in order to ready for his coming intake assessment. We decided to review his need and re-prioritize his learning engagement.
My little STAR completed his last day with the child care center in July last week and brought back with him great memories from his class photos taken recently, his 16 months stay with the center has been fruitful & also brought many joys and learning experience to people working with him. Though he may not appear socially engage with most of his classmates due to his limited social skill, but he likes to make friends as you can tell from the video link when he recalls their names and the teachers who have been teaching and guiding him.
I was awe with mix feeling when I saw his graduation photos for the first time, who will have tell the difference between him and the rest of his peers. Yet he is different for those who have taken him and have work/are working with him will understand. His classmates may find him a bit wierd and not even aware of his world of comfort where he gets socially disconnected to. I was feeling with joy for all the moment he had brough home from his learning journey at child care center, the photos will remain as one of the precious lots that he had taken so far in his past 5 years of growing up. I also feel sad for a moment as I reflect the little imperfection that he is so near and yet so far to reach as we continue to understand and improve him to his full potential. Overall, I am still very thankful that he has continue to teach us to accept him perfectly for who he is as we walk with him in this very special learning path together.
Some changes from actions planned recently had been materialize as follow:-
1) Our little STAR had managed to enroll into a speech social group every Friday with Speech Inc Therapy, speech therapist has been very helpful, supportive & kind enough to accept my little STAR who has been very motivated to work with her in the group 6, he is really blessed! This will last a cycle of 2 months.
2) His therapist for special need in numeric skill has also managed to generalize him with new teacher and new room. I am glad that my little STAR is adapting well to all these changes. Randomly, one of us will also be working as peer with him as and when therapist deploy.
3) Due to speech group engagement, his literacy & behavior intervention had been rescheduled from Friday to Tuesday 3-5pm instead, and will be accompany by his grandma since nearby. When mummy work night shift, mummy may help faciliate.
During his engagement with us, we will reward him with sticker to be paste on his Happiness Certficate when he does it right, we will present him with the certificate to praise him & made him feel proud and confident of himself. This is another important baby step to cultivate his Self Esteem which may be inter-related to his social function development.
Also taking this blessing to share some other video links as follow:-
Numeric Skill video link:- http://youtu.be/GbL2VlBzW3E
Task @ Work By Myself video link:- http://youtu.be/K_eQzhXxXCo
Read by myself video link:- http://youtu.be/jrIM8Xu0B8Q
Reading social story video link:- http://youtu.be/scgOEkdsJts
Task @ Work By Myself video link:- http://youtu.be/y_UmZQ2NmuE
Working with task at out door setting:- http://youtu.be/O5kgvsaxOu0
My little STAR had also attended a Birthday Celebration to his former classmate, Benedict at EIP, and it was another occasion for parents to meet up and catch up with one another. For parents of child with ASD, we understand and clearly acknowledge the great challenges ahead for our children, each child is unique in their profile, each parent is not alone in this path less travel, we will have to encourage and motivate one another for the Hope that we each seek for our little STAR. Every child can learn, every parents can teach, every child is a blessing.July was a fruitful month, feel with challenges but also managed to see some great outcome from his EIP towards the end to finish and make every moment counts.
Every action is planned with "What If" we never try, we may have miss this opportunity to capitalize on its success.
Every outcome has to welcome with "So What If" attitude when it never turn out the way it should be.
When we have done that, the process should be enjoy with a sense of Inner Peace, knowing that everyone has done their duties well in their best worth while effort. Each effort which will in turn contribute as fertilizers to our Beautiful Seed of Faith. Faith is our little STAR, our little STAR is our Faith.
Winners Statement:-
"Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth."